International Workshop on Regional Multilateralism in a Disintegrating World Order
September 25, 2019
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
9.45 Welcome Address
Domenico Siniscalco
10.15|12.00 Global Trends Chair
Francesco Tuccari Vittorio Emanuele Parsi The crisis of liberal world order
Luigi R. Einaudi Conflicts between theory and practice: the Organization of American States
Mario Telò New regionalism and global governance in a multipolar world
12.15|13.30 Some Regional approaches | 1 Chair
Matthew Evangelista
Umberto Morelli The European Union: an incomplete form of regionalism between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism
Sandra Honoré The Caribbean Community and the practice of multilateralism
14.30|16.00 Some Regional approaches | 2 Chair
Matthew Evangelista
Giovanni Finizio “African Solutions to African Problems”? Aims, trends and challenges of African regionalism
Serena Giusti Russia’s strategy toward the post – Soviet space
Giuseppe Gabusi China’s Belt and Road Initiative: an exercise in order – shaping
Marina Calculli Defiant against all odds: the origin and functioning of the ‘Iran – Syria – Hezbollah’ axis
16.30|18.30 What can we conclude? Discussion coordinated by Maurizio Molinari with:
Fabio Armao, Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Viviana Mazza, Ugo Panizza, Domenico Siniscalco, other partecipants and the public.